. Method

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Tools.Delta.VSDelta
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Tools.Delta (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Tools.Delta.dll)


Private Function Exec ( _
    ByRef pguidCmdGroup As Guid, _
    nCmdID As UInteger, _
    nCmdexecopt As UInteger, _
    pvaIn As IntPtr, _
    pvaOut As IntPtr _
) As Integer Implements IOleCommandTarget.Exec
Dim instance As DiffViewerCodeWindow
Dim pguidCmdGroup As Guid
Dim nCmdID As UInteger
Dim nCmdexecopt As UInteger
Dim pvaIn As IntPtr
Dim pvaOut As IntPtr
Dim returnValue As Integer

returnValue = CType(instance, IOleCommandTarget).Exec(pguidCmdGroup, _
    nCmdID, nCmdexecopt, pvaIn, pvaOut)
int IOleCommandTarget.Exec(
    ref Guid pguidCmdGroup,
    uint nCmdID,
    uint nCmdexecopt,
    IntPtr pvaIn,
    IntPtr pvaOut
virtual int Exec(
    Guid% pguidCmdGroup, 
    unsigned int nCmdID, 
    unsigned int nCmdexecopt, 
    IntPtr pvaIn, 
    IntPtr pvaOut
) sealed = IOleCommandTarget::Exec
private abstract Exec : 
        pguidCmdGroup:Guid byref * 
        nCmdID:uint32 * 
        nCmdexecopt:uint32 * 
        pvaIn:IntPtr * 
        pvaOut:IntPtr -> int 
private override Exec : 
        pguidCmdGroup:Guid byref * 
        nCmdID:uint32 * 
        nCmdexecopt:uint32 * 
        pvaIn:IntPtr * 
        pvaOut:IntPtr -> int 
JScript supports the use of explicit interface implementations, but not the declarations of new ones.


Return Value

Type: System..::..Int32


IOleCommandTargetExec(Guid%, UInt32, UInt32, IntPtr, IntPtr)

See Also


DiffViewerCodeWindow Class

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Tools.Delta.VSDelta Namespace