This structure contains information for a single Today Screen item.

typedef struct _TODAYLISTITEM {
  DWORD dwOrder;
  DWORD cyp;
  BOOL fEnabled;
  BOOL fOptions;
  DWORD grfFlags;
  HWND hwndCustom;
  BOOL fSizeOnDraw;
  BYTE * prgbCachedData;
  DWORD cbCachedData; 


  • szName
    The name of the item. This is where the data for the item is stored in the registry.

    (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\<key name>).

    Value Description
    MAX_ITEMNAME Maximum number of characters in an item name.
  • tlit
    The list item type. See TODAYLISTITEMTYPE.

  • dwOrder
    A numerical order value. The items are sorted on the Today page according to their order value.

  • cyp
    The height of the item in pixels.

  • fEnabled
    TRUE if the item is checked in Today Settings, otherwise FALSE.

  • fOptions
    TRUE if the item has an Options screen in Settings (and implements TodayCustomItemDlgProc), otherwise FALSE.

  • grfFlags
    Flags for the item (specific to each type). For custom items independent software vendors (ISVs) may use these flags any way they want.

  • szDLLPath
    The path to the DLL for a custom item.

    Value Description
    MAX_PATH Maximum size of a path.
  • hinstDLL
    Instance handle for the DLL (used to load dialogs, resources, and so on).

  • hwndCustom
    The window handle for the custom item window.

  • fSizeOnDraw
    Reserved. Used internally by the Today Screen.

  • prgbCachedData
    Pointer to the cached data. Custom items should use this to store data for which they don't want to query a database, the Internet, or some other bandwidth-intensive resource. The system will free this memory when it unloads the items due to setting changes, etc.

  • cbCachedData
    Size of the cached data in bytes.


This structure completely describes a Today item. It is passed by reference through the messages WM_TODAYCUSTOM_CLEARCACHE and WM_TODAYCUSTOM_QUERYREFRESHCACHE.


Pocket PC Platforms: Pocket PC 2000 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: todaycmn.h

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