IWMEncDataView Interface

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The IWMEncDataView interface is used to display preview and postview interfaces. A preview interface displays a specific multimedia stream before it is compressed. A postview interface displays the same stream after compression and decompression. Postviews, therefore, more closely resemble the image rendered in the player on a client computer.

A single data view object is generally associated with only one source stream in one source group but can be shared by multiple sources. For example, you can render both a live presentation and a bitmap intermission slide in the same video window by sharing a data view object between the two sources.

You can add multiple data view object to a single source. For instance, one object might simply render a video or audio stream, and another object might use periods of inactivity in the encoded stream to send an e-mail message.

All of the data view objects associated with a stream are grouped together in a collection. Multiple collections exist if multiple streams are associated with data view objects. A data view collection is acquired from the IWMEncSource interface. Collections are managed by the IWMEncDataViewCollection interface.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IWMEncDataView interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
AddStream Adds a specific multimedia stream to a data view object. This method is reserved for future use.
GetMediaFormat Retrieves format information for a specific input stream. This method is reserved for future use.
GetViewSetting Retrieves the display settings of a specific input stream.
RemoveStream Removes a specific stream from a preview or postview object. This method is reserved for future use.
SetMediaFormat Specifies the format information for a specific input stream. This method is reserved for future use.
SetViewSetting Specifies the display settings of a specific input stream.
Start Starts displaying a specific multimedia stream.
StartAll Starts displaying all multimedia streams.
Stop Stops displaying a specific multimedia stream.
StopAll Stops displaying all multimedia streams.

See Also