IWMEncPluginInfo Interface

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The IWMEncPluginInfo interface retrieves plug-in registry information.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IWMEncPluginInfo interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_CLSID Retrieves the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the plug-in.
get_Copyright Retrieves the copyright information assigned to the plug-in by the author.
get_Count Retrieves the number of registered plug-ins.
get_Exclusive Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the plug-in can be used more than once in an encoding session.
get_Hidden Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the plug-in is hidden from the UI.
get_InfoURL Retrieves an optional URL that directs the user to a Web site presenting information about the plug-in.
get_MediaType Retrieves the media types supported by the plug-in.
get_Name Retrieves the name of the plug-in.
get_PluginType Retrieves the plug-in type.
get_PropertyPage Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the plug-in supports property pages.
get_Resources Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the plug-in supports resources.
get_SchemeType Retrieves the scheme type of the plug-in.
get_TransformFlags Retrieves flags indicating whether a transform plug-in is applied to a single stream, to a group of streams, or both.
Item Retrieves the resource corresponding to an index entry in the resource array.

See Also