Chapter 5: Service Boundary Protection Patterns


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Chapter 5: Service Boundary Protection Patterns

patterns & practices Developer Center

Web Service Security: Scenarios, Patterns, and Implementation Guidance for Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0

Microsoft Corporation

patterns & practices Developer Center
Web Service Security: Home
December 2005

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Chapter 2, Message Protection Patterns, described how to provide protection against data tampering and unauthorized access to message content. However, in many cases you will need to provide additional protection at the service's boundary to:

  • Protect Web services against malformed or malicious content.
  • Ensure that when a Web service operation fails you do not accidentally reveal confidential information in the SOAP Fault that is returned.
  • Prevent an attacker from intercepting a message and replaying it to force a Web service operation to execute multiple times.

This chapter describes how to provide service boundary protection. It includes the following design and implementation patterns:

patterns & practices Developer Center

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