CauBaseCommand.Dispose Method (Boolean)


Releases unmanaged resources that are used by the cluster-aware updating (CAU) and optionally releases managed resources that are used by the CAU.

Namespace:   Microsoft.ClusterAwareUpdating.Commands
Assembly:  ClusterAwareUpdating (in ClusterAwareUpdating.dll)


protected virtual void Dispose(
    bool disposing
virtual void Dispose(
    bool disposing
abstract Dispose : 
        disposing:bool -> unit
override Dispose : 
        disposing:bool -> unit
Protected Overridable Sub Dispose (
    disposing As Boolean


  • disposing
    Type: System.Boolean

    If this parameter is true, both unmanaged and managed resources that are used by the CAU are released and finalization is suppressed; otherwise, only unmanaged resources are released and finalization is performed but the finalizer is prevented from releasing the managed resources.


Because the order in which the garbage collector destroys managed objects during finalization is not defined, calling this Dispose overload with a value of false prevents the finalizer from trying to release managed resources that may have already been reclaimed.

See Also

Dispose Overload
CauBaseCommand Class
Microsoft.ClusterAwareUpdating.Commands Namespace

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