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Exposes properties for configuring the external edge of Access Edge Server.


The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties. Properties are listed in alphabetic order, not MOF order.


class MSFT_SIPFederationExternalEdgeSetting
  boolean AllowAllDomainsForAutoFederation;
  boolean AllowOutsideUsers;
  boolean AllowRemoteUsersCommunicateWithAnyDomain;
  string DefaultRoute;
  boolean DefaultRouteIsPublicNetworkProvider;
  string DefaultRouteUserVerificationLevel;
  uint32 DNSCacheTableSize;
  boolean EnableArchivingNotification;
  boolean EnableFederation;
  boolean FlushDNSCache;
  [key] string InstanceID;
  boolean IsClearinghouse;
  boolean KeepCRLsUpToDateForPeers;
  boolean MarkSourceVerifiableOnOutgoingMessages;
  uint32 OutgoingTLSCountForFederatedPartners;
  boolean SupportAnonymousUser;


This class does not define any methods.


The MSFT_SIPFederationExternalEdgeSetting class has the following properties.

  • AllowAllDomainsForAutoFederation
    Data type: boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Specifies whether Access Edge Server allows automatic discovery of federated partners.

    When True, Access Edge Server allows any federated domain to communicate with your enterprise and automatically evaluates incoming traffic from federation partners according to trust level, amount of traffic, and other administrator settings. Based on the results of this evaluation, Access Edge Server can limit incoming traffic when appropriate or block traffic to or from a federated partner if the federated domain is included on the Block list.

    The default value is set to True during the initial configuration of Access Edge Server because this balances security with ease of configuration and management.

    The default value is True.

  • AllowOutsideUsers
    Data type: boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Indicates whether outside users (including remote and anonymous users) can connect to Access Edge Server.

    If False, outside users cannot connect to Access Edge Server. If True, outside users can connect to Access Edge Server.

    The value should be set to False if IsClearinghouse is set to True.

    The default value is False.

  • AllowRemoteUsersCommunicateWithAnyDomain
    Data type: boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Controls whether remote users can communicate with federated users that connect through another, specially-configured Access Edge Server.

    Only applicable to an edge server that is configured as Access Edge Server dedicated to remote user access, with another computer running Access Edge Server configured for federation and public IM connectivity.

    The default value is False.

  • DefaultRoute
    Data type: string

    Access type: Read/Write

    Optional. The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of Access Edge Server for the domain to which requests are sent if they are not recognized by Access Edge Server.

    The value must be an FQDN. An IP address is not allowed. The value of this property can contain an asterisk (*) as a wild card, but it cannot consist only of an asterisk.

    The default value is NULL.

  • DefaultRouteIsPublicNetworkProvider
    Data type: boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Specifies whether DefaultRoute points to a public IM service provider.

    The default value is False.

  • DefaultRouteUserVerificationLevel
    Data type: string

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Indicates the verification level for requests arriving on the default route from a clearing house as a control for spam.

    The value of this property is not case-sensitive.




    All requests received on the default route from the clearing house are considered verifiable. If a header is not present, it is added.


    Requests are only allowed to pass if the user being requested has an allow ACE for the subscriber.


    Use the domain's asserted verification level, which is passed by headers on the requests. If unmarked, the messages are marked as unverified.

    The default value is UseSourceVerification.

  • DNSCacheTableSize
    Data type: uint32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. The number of DNS SRV records that can be stored in the in-memory cache.

    The minimum value for this property is 300 and the maximum value is 30000.

    The default value is 3000.

  • EnableArchivingNotification
    Data type: boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Indicates whether Access Edge Server sends an "archiving notification" header to federated and clearing-house partners such that clients at those partners can display these notifications as a disclaimer in the conversation window.

    If False, archiving notifications are not sent. If True, archiving notifications are sent.

    The default value is True.

  • EnableFederation
    Data type: boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Indicates whether federation is enabled for Access Edge Server.

    If False, federation is not enabled on Access Edge Server. If True, federation is enabled on Access Edge Server.

    The default value is True.

  • FlushDNSCache
    Data type: boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Specifies whether to flush the in-memory cache of DNS SRV records.

    This property is a toggle. Changing it from True to False or from False to True flushes the DNS SRV cache.

    The default value is False.

  • InstanceID
    Data type: [key] string

    Access type: Read-only

    Optional. A GUID value that uniquely identifies an instance of this class.

    The GUID must be encapsulated between the "{" and "}" braces; for example: "{01234567-0123-4567-89AB-CDEF01234567}".

  • IsClearinghouse
    Data type: boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Indicates whether Access Edge Server functions as a clearing house.

    The value False indicates that Access Edge Server is used in a typical deployment. The value True indicates that Access Edge Server is used in a clearing-house deployment.

    If the AllowOutsideUsers property is set to True, the value of the IsClearinghouse property must be False.

    The default value is False.

  • KeepCRLsUpToDateForPeers
    Data type: boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Indicates whether Access Edge Server checks certificate revocation lists for certificates that it has stored for federated partners.

    This setting is meaningful only if StorePeerCertificates is True.

    The default value is True.

  • MarkSourceVerifiableOnOutgoingMessages
    Data type: boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Indicates whether to mark the asserted verification level using a header on outgoing messages.

    If False, outgoing messages are not marked as verifiable. If True, outgoing messages are marked as verifiable.

    If True, federating partners can use the header to determine the verification level of these messages for spam control.

    The default value is True.

  • OutgoingTLSCountForFederatedPartners
    Data type: uint32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. The number of outgoing TLS connections that Access Edge Server initiates for each federated partner.

    The minimum value for this property is 1 and the maximum value is 4.

    The default value is 4.

  • SupportAnonymousUser
    Data type: boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Controls whether anonymous users can join meetings (for meetings organized by users who are configured to support this option).

    If True, the value of AllowOutsideUsers must also be True.

    The default value is False.


This class gets and sets information at the following level: WMI.

Only one instance of this class can be present.

Instances of this class support the following interface methods:

  • Provider::EnumerateInstances();

  • Provider::GetObject();

  • Provider::PutInstance();

    Where PutInstance() supports the following flags:





Server: Installed on computers serving the following role: Access Edge Server.

Namespace: Defined in \root\cimv2.

See Also


Office Communications Server WMI Reference