Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.Presence Namespace


  Class Description
Public class CategoryNotificationEventArgs This class represents the event arguments for presence category notifications.
Public class ContainerMembership ContainerMembership class defines the container membership for individual container.
Public class ContainerNotificationEventArgs This class represents the event arguments for container notifications.
Public class ContainerUpdateOperation ContainerUpdateOperation class is used to update the container membership, each update can contain a list of multiple operations.
Public class CustomPresenceCategory [Value Needed].
Public class Delegatee Delegatee class defines the delegate information in a Boss/Admin scenario.
Public class DelegatesNotificationEventArgs This class represents the event arguments for delegate notifications.
Public class LocalOwnerPresence Creates a PublishSubscribeSession for event "vnd-microsoft-roaming-self".
Public class LocationProfileInstance Class represents the single instance of the location profile.
Public class LocationProfilesConfiguration Class represents the location profile section of inband provisioning data, which includes instances of location profiles and normalization rules.
Public class MeetingPolicyConfiguration Class represents the meeting policy section of inband provisioning data.
Public class MobilityPolicyConfiguration Class represents the mobility policy section of inband provisioning data.
Public class NormalizationRulesInstance Class represents the normalization rule instance in the location profile data.
Public class NotificationItem<(Of <(<'T>)>)> [Value Needed].
Public class PidfDocument The presence class matching windows messenger.
Public class PresenceCategory
Public class PresenceCategoryWithMetaData
Public class PresenceSubscriptionStateChangedEventArgs Indicates changes in CollaborationSubscriptionState.
Public class ProvisioningData [Value Needed].
Public class ProvisioningGroupData Represents the basic generic provisioning group from inband provisioning data.
Public class PublishSubscribeSession PublishSubscribeSession class provides a simplified wrapped implementation of ISipSubscriptionProcessor to establish, terminate subscription, processing the SipSubscription event.
Public class RemotePresence Class which provide easy access to subscribe for presence for given URIs; it encapsulates the concept of batch subscribe and single subscription and handles it internally.
Public class RemotePresenceNotificationEventArgs This class represents the event arguments for presence notifications in a presence single subscription and presence batch subscription sessions.
Public class RemotePresenceSubscriptionStateChangedEventArgs EventArg to be used to note a Subscription state changed event via an PublishSubscribeSession.
Public class RemotePresentityNotificationData Class wrapping for the presence notification data, which contain the target URI and list of categoryItems.
Public class RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget Holds an RealAddress and context data to be used for subscription for this contact.
Public class ServerConfiguration Represents the server configuration section of the inband provisioning data.
Public class Subscriber The Subscriber class represent watchers who subscribe to presence of others.
Public class SubscriberNotificationEventArgs This class represents the event arguments for watcher list notifications.
Public class UCPolicyConfiguration
Public class UserSettingConfiguration Class represents the user setting section of the inband provisioning data.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ActivityStatus This enum is the union of all status possible in all activities.
Public enumeration CollaborationSubscriptionState Indicates the current state of the subscription object.
Public enumeration ExpiryPolicy Expiry Type for publication.
Public enumeration PresenceAvailability Presence availability values.
Public enumeration PublishOperation Publish operation add/delete/update.
Public enumeration SubscriptionStateTransitionReason Indicates whether the subscription state transition is caused by the server or the client.