PromptBuilder.StartVoice Method

Overload List

Name Description
PromptBuilder.StartVoice (CultureInfo)
Specifies the start of use of a voice in the specified culture in the PromptBuilder object.
PromptBuilder.StartVoice (String)
Specifies the start of use of a voice in the PromptBuilder object.
PromptBuilder.StartVoice (VoiceGender)
Specifies the start of use of a voice of the specified gender in the PromptBuilder object.
PromptBuilder.StartVoice (VoiceInfo)
Specifies the start of use of a voice specified by the VoiceInfo object in the PromptBuilder object.
PromptBuilder.StartVoice (VoiceGender, VoiceAge)
Specifies the start of use of a voice of the specified gender and the specified age in the PromptBuilder object.
PromptBuilder.StartVoice (VoiceGender, VoiceAge, Int32)
Specifies the start of use of a voice of the specified gender and the specified age, and an alternate voice in the PromptBuilder object.

See Also


PromptBuilder Class
PromptBuilder Members
Microsoft.Speech.Synthesis Namespace