DiagramNodes Collection [Excel 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Multiple objects

A collection of DiagramNode objects that represents all the nodes in a diagram.

Using the DiagramNodes collection

Use the Nodes property of the Diagram object to return a DiagramNodes collection. Use the Item method to select and work with a single diagram node in a diagram. This example assumes the first shape in the active worksheet is a diagram, selects the first node, and deletes it.

Sub FillDiagramNode()
End Sub

Use the SelectAll method to select and work with all nodes in a diagram. This example assumes the first shape in the active worksheet is a diagram, selects all nodes, and fills them with the specified pattern.

Sub FillDiagramNodes()
    Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Patterned msoPatternSmallConfetti
End Sub

Properties | Application Property | Count Property | Creator Property | Parent Property

Methods | Item Method | SelectAll Method

Parent Objects | Diagram

Child Objects | DiagramNode | DiagramNodeChildren | Shape

See Also | DiagramNode Object | DiagramNode Property | DiagramNodeChildren Collection