GetScale Method

Returns the horizontal and vertical scaling factors (between 15% and 1,000%) for the document displayed in the viewer control.

expression.GetScale(pdScaleX, pdScaleY)

*expression   * Required. An expression that returns an MiDocView object.

pdScaleX    Required Double. The horizontal scaling factor.

pdScaleY    Required Double. The vertical scaling factor.


The GetScale and SetScale methods use a scale where 1 = 100% of actual size, 0.75 equals 75%, and so on.

When the SetScale method specifies new values, the ScaleChanged event is raised and the GetScale method returns a different value.


The following example displays horizontal and vertical scale information for the document displayed in the viewer control.

Sub TestGetScale()

  Dim dblXScale As Double, dblYScale As Double
  MiDocView1.GetScale dblXScale, dblYScale
  MsgBox "X scale: " & dblXScale & vbCrLf & _
    "Y scale: " & dblYScale, _
    vbInformation + vbOKOnly, _
    "Viewer Scale Info"
End Sub

Applies to | MiDocView Object