FPHTMLFrontPageBotElement Object

Multiple objects

Represents a Microsoft FrontPage web component. See also the IHTMLFrontPageBotElement and IHTMLFrontPageBotElement2 objects.

Using the FPHTMLFrontPageBotElement object

Use the tags method to return an IHTMLElementCollection collection that represents a collection of all the FrontPage components in a document. Use the Item method to access an FPHTMLFrontPageBotElement object that accesses a specific FrontPage component, referenced by ordinal number or by the value of the id attribute. The following example accesses the first FrontPage component in the active document.

Dim objWebbot As FPHTMLFrontPageBotElement

Set objWebbot = ActiveDocument.all.tags("webbot").Item(0)

Properties | all Property | children Property | className Property | Document Property | filters Property | id Property | innerHTML Property | innerText Property | isTextEdit Property | lang Property | language Property | offsetHeight Property | offsetLeft Property | offsetParent Property | offsetTop Property | offsetWidth Property | onafterupdate Property | onbeforeupdate Property | onclick Property | ondataavailable Property | ondatasetchanged Property | ondatasetcomplete Property | ondblclick Property | ondragstart Property | onerrorupdate Property | onfilterchange Property | onhelp Property | onkeydown Property | onkeypress Property | onkeyup Property | onmousedown Property | onmousemove Property | onmouseout Property | onmouseover Property | onmouseup Property | onrowenter Property | onrowexit Property | onselectstart Property | outerHTML Property | outerText Property | parentElement Property | parentTextEdit Property | recordNumber Property | sourceIndex Property | style Property | tagName Property | title Property

Methods | click Method | contains Method | getAttribute Method | getBotAttribute Method | insertAdjacentHTML Method | insertAdjacentText Method | removeAttribute Method | removeBotAttribute Method | scrollIntoView Method | setAttribute Method | setBotAttribute Method | toString Method

Events | onafterupdate Event | onbeforeupdate Property | onclick Event | ondataavailable Event | ondatasetchanged Event | ondatasetcomplete Event | ondblclick Event | ondragstart Event | onerrorupdate Event | onfilterchange Event | onhelp Event | onkeydown Property | onkeypress Event | onkeyup Event | onmousedown Event | onmousemove Event | onmouseout Event | onmouseover Event | onmouseup Event | onrowenter Event | onrowexit Event | onselectstart Event

Parent Objects

Child Objects | IHTMLElement Object | IHTMLFiltersCollection Object | IHTMLStyle Object