BackStyle Property [Access 2003 VBA Language Reference]

You can use the BackStyle property to specify whether a control will be transparent. Read/write Byte.


expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The BackStyle property uses the following settings.

Setting Visual Basic Description
Normal 1 (Default for all controls except option group) The control has its interior color set by the BackColor property.
Transparent 0 (Default for option group) The control is transparent. The color of the form or report behind the control is visible.

You can set this property by using Fill/Back Color on the Formatting (Form/Report) toolbar, a control's property sheet , a macro , or Visual Basic .

You can set the default for this property by using a control's default control style or the DefaultControl property in Visual Basic.


If the Transparent button on the Back Color button palette is selected, the BackStyle property is set to Transparent; otherwise the BackStyle property is set to Normal.



Applies to | BoundObjectFrame Object | ComboBox Object | Image Object | Label Object | ObjectFrame Object | OptionGroup Object | Rectangle Object | TabControl Collection | TextBox Object

See Also | BackColor Property | SpecialEffect Property