OlDefaultFolders Enumeration

Outlook Developer Reference

Specifies the folder type for the current Outlook profile.

Name Value Description
olFolderCalendar 9 The Calendar folder.
olFolderConflicts 19 The Conflicts folder (subfolder of Sync Issues folder). Only available for an Exchange account.
olFolderContacts 10 The Contacts folder.
olFolderDeletedItems 3 The Deleted Items folder.
olFolderDrafts 16 The Drafts folder.
olFolderInbox 6 The Inbox folder.
olFolderJournal 11 The Journal folder.
olFolderJunk 23 The Junk E-Mail folder.
olFolderLocalFailures 21 The Local Failures folder (subfolder of Sync Issues folder). Only available for an Exchange account.
olFolderManagedEmail 29 The top-level folder in the Managed Folders group. For more information on Managed Folders, see Help in Microsoft Outlook. Only available for an Exchange account.
olFolderNotes 12 The Notes folder.
olFolderOutbox 4 The Outbox folder.
olFolderSentMail 5 The Sent Mail folder.
olFolderServerFailures 22 The Server Failures folder (subfolder of Sync Issues folder). Only available for an Exchange account.
olFolderSyncIssues 20 The Sync Issues folder. Only available for an Exchange account.
olFolderTasks 13 The Tasks folder.
olFolderToDo 28 The To Do folder.
olPublicFoldersAllPublicFolders 18 The All Public Folders folder in the Exchange Public Folders store. Only available for an Exchange account.
olFolderRssFeeds 25 The RSS Feeds folder.


Used as a parameter to the Namespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder, Namespace.GetDefaultFolder, and Folders.Add methods. Also used by the SharingItem.RequestedFolder property.