Task.LinkSuccessors Method

Project Developer Reference

Adds successors to a task.


expression.LinkSuccessors(Tasks, Link, Lag)

expression   A variable that represents a Task object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Tasks Required Object The Task or Tasks object specified becomes a successor of the task specified with expression.
Link Optional Long A constant that specifies the relationship between tasks that become linked. Can be one of the PjTaskLinkType constants. The default value is pjFinishToStart.
Lag Optional Variant A string that specifies the duration of lag time between linked tasks. To specify lead time between tasks, use an expression for Lag that evaluates to a negative value.

Return Value

The following example create a couple of tasks and links one as successor.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub Link_Successors()
Dim SucessorTask As Task
Dim PredecessorTask  As Task

'Activate Task Sheet view ViewApply Name:="Task Sheet"

' Create a coupe of tasks
SetTaskField Field:="Name", Value:="TestTask-2"
SetTaskField Field:="Duration", Value:="1"

SetTaskField Field:="Name", Value:="TestTask-1"
SetTaskField Field:="Duration", Value:="2"

'link them
Set PredecessorTask = ActiveProject.Tasks("TestTask-1")
Set SucessorTask = ActiveProject.Tasks("TestTask-2")

PredecessorTask.<strong class="bterm">LinkSuccessors</strong> Tasks:=SucessorTask, Link:=pjFinishToStart

'delete the tasks

End Sub

See Also