Algorithms, Parameters, and Constraints

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The topics in this section list the parameters and constants that you can use to customize the SmartArt layout algorithms.

In This Section

  • Composite Algorithm
    Specifies the size and position for all child layout nodes.

  • Connector Algorithm
    Lays out and routes connecting lines, arrows, and shapes between layout nodes.

  • Cycle Algorithm
    Arranges child layout nodes around a circle or portion of a circle by using equal angle spacing.

  • Hierarchy Child Algorithm
    Aligns and positions child layout nodes in a linear path under the hierRoot layout node.

  • Hierarchy Root Algorithm
    Aligns and positions the hierRoot layout node in relation to the hierChild layout nodes.

  • Linear Algorithm
    Arranges child layout nodes along a linear path.

  • Pyramid Algorithm
    Arranges child layout nodes along a vertical path and uses the trapezoid shape to create a pyramid.

  • Snake Algorithm
    Arranges child layout nodes along a linear path in two dimensions, allowing the linear flow to continue across multiple rows or columns.

  • Space Algorithm
    Specifies a minimum space between other layout nodes.

  • Text Algorithm
    Sizes text to fit inside a shape and controls its margins and alignment.

See Also


SmartArt Reference