2007 Office Suites Book Excerpts

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Read book excerpts about developing for 2007 Office Suites.

This section of the MSDN library provides book excerpts about the 2007 Office Suites that are online excerpts of published books. Each chapter often focuses on one key solution or set of tasks as well as providing you a free, in depth look at a book. Links are included for viewing the entire book online or purchasing the book.

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We publish new content continuously. To view content relating to 2007 Office Suites, click the items to the left, in the table of contents.

  • Welcome to the Component API Reference for the 2007 Office System. The Component API Reference for the 2007 Microsoft Office system describes a set of programming elements that are common to all 2007 Office system programs.

  • Open XML Format SDK 1.0. The Open XML Format SDK reference provides strongly-typed part classes to manipulate Open XML documents.

  • Object Library Reference for the 2007 Microsoft Office System. This reference contains conceptual overviews, programming tasks, samples, and references to guide you in developing solutions that are based on the 2007 Microsoft Office system.

  • Visual Basic for Applications Language Reference. This reference contains conceptual overviews, programming tasks, samples, and references to guide you in developing solutions based on VBA.

  • Welcome to the Input Method Editor API Reference for the 2007 Office System. This reference gives a brief overview of the Microsoft IME versions for Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, in terms of functionality and API format.

  • Welcome to the SmartArt Developer Reference. This reference provides information about developing customized templates for a feature in the 2007 Microsoft Office system called SmartArt. You can develop these templates by writing XML files that define the structure, layout, and formatting of a graphic.

  • 2007 Office Suites Technical Articles. Technical articles are 10-35 pages in length and provide detailed technical information and code examples. They may serve any number of purposes: getting started, providing best practices, describing a solution, discussing the use of a given object or method in depth, and so on.

  • 2007 Office Suites Visual How Tos. Visual how-to articles are 2-15 pages in length and combine some of the best elements of blogs, video, and technical articles by providing a brief overview, a code sample, and a how-to video. You can read the overview, review the code snippet, view the video, and explore the additional resources.

  • 2007 Office Suites Book Excerpts. Book excerpts are online excerpts of published books. Each chapter often focuses on one key solution or set of tasks as well as providing you a free, in depth look at a book. Links are included for viewing the entire book online or purchasing the book.


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