BorderType Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The BorderType type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ChildElements Gets all the child nodes of this element. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property Color Border Color.Represents the attribte in schema: w:color
Public property ExtendedAttributes Gets all extended attributes (attributes not defined in schema) of the element. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property FirstChild Gets the first child of the OpenXmlElement. If there is no such OpenXmlElement, a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is returned. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property Frame Create Frame Effect.Represents the attribte in schema: w:frame
Public property HasAttributes Gets a boolean value indicating whether the current element has any attributes. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property HasChildren Gets a value indicating whether this element has any child elements. (Inherited from OpenXmlLeafElement.)
Public property InnerText Gets the concatenated values of the node and all its children. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property InnerXml Gets or sets the markup representing only the child nodes of this node. (Inherited from OpenXmlLeafElement.)
Public property LastChild Gets the last child of the OpenXmlElement. If there is no such OpenXmlElement, a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is returned. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property LocalName Gets the local name of the node. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property MCAttributes Markup Compatibility Attributes Set. Return null if there is no Markup Compatibility Attribute defined in this element. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property NamespaceDeclarations Gets all the namespace declarations defined in the current element. Return an empty enumerator if there is no namespace declaration. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property NamespaceUri Gets the namespace URI of this node. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property OpenXmlElementContext Gets the OpenXmlEementContext. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property OuterXml Gets the markup representing this element and all its child elements. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property Parent Gets the parent of this element. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property Prefix Gets the namespace prefix of this node. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)
Public property Shadow Border Shadow.Represents the attribte in schema: w:shadow
Public property Size Border Width.Represents the attribte in schema: w:sz
Public property Space Border Spacing Measurement.Represents the attribte in schema: w:space
Public property ThemeColor Border Theme Color.Represents the attribte in schema: w:themeColor
Public property ThemeShade Border Theme Color Shade.Represents the attribte in schema: w:themeShade
Public property ThemeTint Border Theme Color Tint.Represents the attribte in schema: w:themeTint
Public property Val Border Style.Represents the attribte in schema: w:val
Public property XmlQualifiedName Gets the qualified name of the node. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement.)


See Also


BorderType Class

DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing Namespace