Summary of Changes

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The major changes to the Microsoft FrontPageĀ® 2000 Software Developerā€™s Kit include:

  • A new Web object model for FrontPage.

  • Additional support for custom FrontPage components, including client-side only features, Design Time Controls, COM Add Ins, and Active Server Pages (ASP).

  • FrontPage Explorer automation, FrontPage Editor automation, and FrontPage To Do List automation are still supported in FrontPage 2000 for backward compatibility only; developers are encouraged to use the FrontPage Web Object Model to automate FrontPage 2000. The Explorer, Editor, and ToDoList functionality are supported through a single executable file, FrontPg.Exe.

  • Menus in FrontPage 2000 can be extended through the Microsoft Office 2000 menu customization facility in Microsoft Office Visual Basic.

  • Wizards and templates in FrontPage 2000 are configured and managed through registry keys rather than the INF and INI files used in the FrontPage 98 SDK.