LiveConnectClient class (iOS apps)

Represents a client object that helps the app to access a service using Microsoft account on behalf of the user. LiveConnectClient provides two groups of methods: authentication/authorization methods, and data access methods.

The authentication/authorization methods include init* methods, login* methods and logout* methods. The data access methods include get* methods, delete* methods, post* methods, put* methods, copy* methods, move* methods, upload* methods and download* methods.


@interface LiveConnectClient : NSObject




LiveConnectClient session property

Gets the Microsoft account session for this LiveConnectClient.




LiveConnectClient copyFromPath:toDestination:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous copy of a file with a given path and destination to a different folder on the user's OneDrive account. The method also has the option of specifying a LiveOperationDelegate.

LiveConnectClient copyFromPath:toDestination:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous copy of a file with a given path and destination to a different folder on the user's OneDrive account. The method also has the option of specifying a LiveOperationDelegate and user state.

LiveConnectClient deleteWithPath:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous delete of a file with a given path. The method also has the option of specifying a LiveOperationDelegate.

LiveConnectClient deleteWithPath:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous delete of a file with a given path. The method also has the option of specifying a LiveOperationDelegate and user state.

LiveConnectClient downloadFromPath:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous download of a file with a given path from the user's OneDrive account. The method also has the option of specifying a LiveDownloadOperationDelegate.

LiveConnectClient downloadFromPath:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous download of a file with a given path from the user's OneDrive account. The method also has the option of specifying a LiveDownloadOperationDelegate and a user state.

LiveConnectClient getWithPath:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous get of a file with a given path from the user's OneDrive account. The method also has the option of specifying a LiveOperationDelegate.

LiveConnectClient getWithPath:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous get of a file with a given path from the user's OneDrive account. The method also has the option of specifying a LiveOperationDelegate and a user state.

LiveConnectClient initWithClientId:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous initialize of a new instance of the LiveConnectClient class with a client ID, and optionally, a LiveAuthDelegate.

LiveConnectClient initWithClientId:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous initialize of a new instance of the LiveConnectClient class with a client ID, and optionally, a LiveAuthDelegate and user state.

LiveConnectClient initWithClientId:scopes:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous initialize of a new instance of the LiveConnectClient class with a client ID, scopes, and optionally, a LiveAuthDelegate.

LiveConnectClient initWithClientId:scopes:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous initialize of a new instance of the LiveConnectClient class with a client ID, scopes, and optionally, a LiveAuthDelegate and a user state.

LiveConnectClient login:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous login by presenting a modal window and showing login and authorization forms so that the user can login with his/her Microsoft account and authorize the app to access the services on his/her behalf. This method optionally provides an LiveAuthDelegate.

LiveConnectClient login:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous login by presenting a modal window and showing login and authorization forms so that the user can login with his/her Microsoft account and authorize the app to access the services on his/her behalf. This method optionally provides an LiveAuthDelegate and user state.

LiveConnectClient login:scopes:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous login by presenting a modal window and showing login and authorization forms so that the user can login with his/her Microsoft account and authorize the app to access the services on his/her behalf. This method optionally provides scopes and a LiveAuthDelegate.

LiveConnectClient login:scopes:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous login by presenting a modal window and showing login and authorization forms so that the user can login with his/her Microsoft account and authorize the app to access the services on his/her behalf. This method optionally provides an LiveAuthDelegate and user state.

LiveConnectClient logout method

Performs an asynchronous logout of the user from the app.

LiveConnectClient logoutWithDelegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous logout of the user from the app with an optional LiveAuthDelegate and user state.

LiveConnectClient moveFromPath:toDestination:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous move of a resource to a different folder on the user's OneDrive account for a given path, destination, and optionally, a LiveOperationDelegate.

LiveConnectClient moveFromPath:toDestination:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous move of a resource to a different folder on the user's OneDrive account for a given path, destination, and optionally, a LiveOperationDelegate and user state.

LiveConnectClient postWithPath:dictBody:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous post for a given path, a message request body, and optionally, a LiveOperationDelegate.

LiveConnectClient postWithPath:dictBody:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous post for a given path, a message request body, and optionally, a LiveOperationDelegate and user state.

LiveConnectClient postWithPath:jsonBody:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous post for a given path, a JSON message request body, and optionally, a LiveOperationDelegate.

LiveConnectClient postWithPath:jsonBody:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous post for a given path, a JSON message request body, and optionally, a LiveOperationDelegate and user state.

LiveConnectClient putWithPath:dictBody:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous PUT that updates a resource with a given path, message request body, and optionally, a LiveOperationDelegate. If the resource does not exist, it creates a new one.

LiveConnectClient putWithPath:dictBody:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous PUT that updates a resource with a given path, message request body, and optionally, a LiveOperationDelegate and user state. If the resource does not exist, it creates a new one.

LiveConnectClient putWithPath:jsonBody:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous PUT that updates a resource with a given path, JSON message request body, and optionally, a LiveOperationDelegate. If the resource does not exist, it creates a new one.

LiveConnectClient putWithPath:jsonBody:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous PUT that updates a resource with a given path, JSON message request body, and optionally, a LiveOperationDelegate and user state. If the resource does not exist, it creates a new one.

LiveConnectClient uploadToPath:fileName:data:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous upload of a resource to a user's OneDrive account. This method uses a given path, file name, file data, and optionally, a LiveUploadOperationDelegate.

LiveConnectClient uploadToPath:fileName:data:overwrite:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous upload of a resource to a user's OneDrive account. This method uses a given path, file name, file data, and optionally, a LiveUploadOperationDelegate, user state, and an option to overwrite an existing file.

LiveConnectClient uploadToPath:fileName:inputStream:delegate method

Performs an asynchronous upload of a resource to a user's OneDrive account. This method uses a given path, file name, input stream, and optionally, a LiveUploadOperationDelegate.

LiveConnectClient uploadToPath:fileName:inputStream:overwrite:delegate:userState method

Performs an asynchronous upload of a resource to a user's OneDrive account. This method uses a given path, file name, input stream, and optionally, a LiveUploadOperationDelegate, user state, and an option to overwrite an existing file.

Defined in


See also