CCSTask Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Extends the basic functionality of the Task class.

The CCSTask type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CCSTask(ITask, String) Inherited from the base constructor of the inherited Task class.
Public method CCSTask(Cluster, ITask, String) Inherited from the base constructor of the inherited Task class.



  Name Description
Public property AccountName Gets the name of the account under which the task process is to run. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property ApplicationName Gets or sets the application file name that the task is to run. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Cluster
Public property Comment Gets or sets the comment associated with the task. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Creator Gets or sets the creator of the task. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Detailed Get or sets the field to determine whether detailed results are returned for the Message property.
Public property ExitCode Gets the Win32 exit code from the last execution of the task. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Flags Gets or sets the TaskFlags object associated with the current task. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Hidden Gets or sets whether to hide a task. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property IdleWaitDeadlineMinutes Gets or sets the maximum number of minutes that the Task Scheduler is to wait for a required idle period to occur. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property IdleWaitMinutes Gets or sets how long the system must remain idle, even after the trigger would normally fire, before the task is to run. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property MaxRunTime Gets or sets the maximum length of time the task is permitted to run. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property MaxRunTimeLimited Gets or sets whether the maximum run time is limited. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Message
Public property MostRecentRunTime Gets the most recent time the task began running. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Name Gets the name of the task. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property NextRunTime Gets the next time the task runs. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Parameters Gets or sets the command-line parameters for the task. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Priority Gets or sets the priority for the task process. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Status Gets the status of the task. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Tag Gets or sets arbitrary data associated with the task. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property TriggerDescription Gets the count of scheduled tasks on the computer. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Triggers Gets the list of triggers associated with the task. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property WorkingDirectory (Inherited from Task.)



  Name Description
Public method Close Releases the COM interfaces for this task. (Inherited from Task.)
Public method DisplayForEdit Displays the property pages of the current task for the user to edit. (Inherited from Task.)
Public method DisplayPropertySheet() Displays all property pages. (Inherited from Task.)
Public method DisplayPropertySheet(Task.PropPages) Displays the specified property pages only. (Inherited from Task.)
Public method Dispose()
Public method Dispose(Boolean)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method NextRunTimeAfter Calculates the next time the task is scheduled to run after a given arbitrary time. (Inherited from Task.)
Public method Run Schedules the task for immediate execution. (Inherited from Task.)
Public method Save() Saves changes that were made to the current task. (Inherited from Task.)
Public method Save(String) Saves the task with a new name. (Inherited from Task.)
Public method SetAccountInformation Sets the account under which the task is to run. (Inherited from Task.)
Public method Terminate Requests termination of the task if it is currently running. (Inherited from Task.)
Public method ToString Overridden. Outputs the name of the task, the application, and the parameters. (Inherited from Task.)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IDisposable.Dispose (Inherited from Task.)


See Also


CCSTask Class

Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.Addins.ComputeCluster.TaskScheduler Namespace