Range operators

In PerformancePoint Expression Language (PEL), Range operators perform operations on members or sets of members.

The Range operators must have Member-type operands. The result is a MemberSet type. This operator has no functional equivalent in PEL.

The following table describes the three forms of the Range operator.

Range operation Code example Description


A set of months starting from January 2006

[Time].[Calendar].[January 2006]:

Specifies a MemberSet starting from the specified member that contains all succeeding members in the same level.


The months in 2006

[Time].[Calendar].[January 2006]:[Time].[Calendar].[December 2006]

Specifies a MemberSet consisting of the two specified members and all the members in between in the same level.


A set of months ending with December 2005

:[Time].[Calendar].[December 2005]

Specifies a MemberSet ending with the specified member and containing all the preceding members in the same level.

See Also

Other Resources

PEL operators