SPMobileUtility.CreateFolderNavigation Method

Creates a link to the contents of a child folder.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)
Available in Sandboxed Solutions: No


Public Shared Function CreateFolderNavigation ( _
    folderName As String, _
    list As SPList, _
    view As SPView, _
    currentFolder As SPFolder _
) As Link
Dim folderName As String
Dim list As SPList
Dim view As SPView
Dim currentFolder As SPFolder
Dim returnValue As Link

returnValue = SPMobileUtility.CreateFolderNavigation(folderName, _
    list, view, currentFolder)
public static Link CreateFolderNavigation(
    string folderName,
    SPList list,
    SPView view,
    SPFolder currentFolder


  • folderName
    Type: System.String

    The folder name which serves as the link text.

Return Value

Type: System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Link
A link to the child folder (or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), if folderName does not exist).

See Also


SPMobileUtility Class

SPMobileUtility Members

Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities Namespace