SPQuotaTemplateCollection.Item Property (Int32)

Gets the quota template object at the specified index in the collection. In C#, this property is an indexer for the SPQuotaTemplateCollection class.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)
Available in Sandboxed Solutions: No


Public ReadOnly Default Property Item ( _
    iIndex As Integer _
) As SPQuotaTemplate
Dim instance As SPQuotaTemplateCollection
Dim iIndex As Integer
Dim value As SPQuotaTemplate

value = instance(iIndex)
public SPQuotaTemplate this[
    int iIndex
] { get; }


  • iIndex
    Type: System.Int32

    A 32-bit integer that specifies the index.

Property Value

Type: Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPQuotaTemplate
An SPQuotaTemplate object that represents the quota template.


The Item property throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the specified index is outside the valid range of indices for the collection.

See Also


SPQuotaTemplateCollection Class

SPQuotaTemplateCollection Members

Item Overload

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration Namespace