UserProfileAnniversaryChange Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The UserProfileAnniversaryChange type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AccountName (Inherited from UserProfileChange.)
Public property Anniversary Gets the DateTime object of the anniversary.
Public property ChangedProfile Gets the profile whose data has changed. (Inherited from ProfileBaseChange.)
Public property ChangedUser Obsolete. (Inherited from UserProfileChange.)
Public property ChangeType Gets the type of change that was made to the profile. (Inherited from ProfileBaseChange.)
Public property EventTime Gets the UTC time when the change occurred. (Inherited from ProfileBaseChange.)
Public property Id Gets the event identifier associated with the change. (Inherited from ProfileBaseChange.)
Protected property NewValueInternal (Inherited from UserProfilePropertyValueChange.)
Public property NewValueProfile Gets the user profile corresponding to the new value. (Inherited from UserProfilePropertyValueChange.)
Public property NewValueTerm Returns the taxonomy term object that represents the new value. Returns a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the new value is not a taxonomy term. (Inherited from UserProfilePropertyValueChange.)
Public property ObjectType Gets the type of object on which the change was made. (Inherited from ProfileBaseChange.)
Public property PrivacyPolicy Gets the privacy policy, if any, used by the type of object that was changed. (Inherited from ProfileBaseChange.)
Public property ProfileProperty Gets the user profile property. (Inherited from UserProfilePropertyValueChange.)
Public property SecondaryValue (Inherited from UserProfilePropertyValueChange.)


See Also


UserProfileAnniversaryChange Class

Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles Namespace