AttendeeResponse Enumeration

Provides values for specifying attendee replies to a meeting invitation.

Web Service: MeetingsWeb Reference: http://<Site>/_vti_bin/Meetings.asmx


<SerializableAttribute> _
<GeneratedCodeAttribute("wsdl", "2.0.50727.42")> _
<XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace:="")> _
Public Enumeration AttendeeResponse

Dim instance As AttendeeResponse
[GeneratedCodeAttribute("wsdl", "2.0.50727.42")] 
public enum AttendeeResponse


  Member name Description
responseAccepted The invitee accepted the meeting invitation. 
responseDeclined The invitee declined the meeting invitation. 
responseTentative The invitee marked the meeting invitation as tentative. 

See Also


Meetings Web Service