UnregisterFilter Method

The UnregisterFilter method removes the registry entries for an IFilter from one or more data sources.

HRESULT RegisterFilter(
    WCHAR const *extensions [],
    CLSID const *classIds [],
    WCHAR const *mimeTypes [],
    WCHAR const *pwcsOverride,
    CLSID const *pClsid,
    WCHAR const *pwcsProgid,
    WCHAR const *pwcsMachineName,
  • cExtensionsNum
    [in] A ULONG that contains the number of elements in the extensions array.
  • extensions []
    [size_is(cExtensionsNums)] An array of pointers to WCHAR that contain file name extensions associated with the IFilter being unregistered.
  • cClassIdsNum
    [in] A ULONG that contains the number of elements in the classIds array parameter.
  • classIds []
    [size_is(cClassIdsNum)] An array of pointers to CLSID that contain class Ids of the IFilter being unregistered.
  • cMimesNum
    [in] A ULONG that contains the number of elements in the mimeTypes array parameter.
  • mimeTypes []
    [size_is(cMimesNum)] An array of pointers to WCHAR that contain MIME types of the IFilter being unregistered.
  • pwcsOverride
    [in] A pointer to WCHAR that contains an override string, such as the application name.
  • pClsid
    [in] A pointer to CLSID that contains the Class ID of the IFilter being unregistered.
  • pwcsProgid
    [in] A pointer to WCHAR that contains the program ID (ProgID) of the IFilter being unregistered.
  • pwcsMachineName
    [in] Not used. Value should be 0.
Return Value

For a list of errors returned by SharePoint Portal Server IFilter registration objects, see Error Messages.


This method removes the registry entries mapping the specified IFilter to each of the data source types specified. Each element in the extensions and mimeTypes arrays contains either null or the name of a data source. Each element in the array classIds contains either null or the Class ID of a data source. The parameters cExtensionsNum, cClassIdsNum, and cMimesNum specify how many elements in each array contain valid data sources.

If the pwcsOverride string is not null, the method removes the registry entries for the IFilter as associated with the override string for the specified data source types.