InstalledWebPartPackages Table

The InstalledWebPartPackages table stores information about which Web Part Packages are installed as part of a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services deployment.

Warning  Modifying the database schema or database structures is unsupported. Changes that you make to the database contents may be overwritten when you install updates or service packs for Windows SharePoint Services, or when you upgrade an installation to the next product version.


Column name Data type Description
WPPId int ID of the Web Part Package available from the Web Part Packages table. Part of the primary key.
URL nvarchar URL of the virtual server where the Web Part Package is installed.
IISInstance int Web server on which the Web Part Package is available. Part of the primary key.
ServerId uniqueidentifier ServerID of the virtual server where the Web Part Package is installed. Part of the primary key.
GlobalInstall bit Boolean value that indicates whether the Web Part Package is installed across all virtual servers and applies across a Windows SharePoint Services deployment.