GetAlertCreationLink(System.Web.UI.Page, String, String, String) Method

The GetAlertCreationLink method of the AreaAlertType class creates an "Alert Me" link for an area using the specified parameters. The current HTTP context is used to identify the portal site.


page   Current HTTP context. This page is used to create JScript blocks and form fields.

categoryId   Globally unique identifier (GUID) for the area this alert describes.

categoryUrl   URL for the area that this alert describes.

categoryName   Display name for the area this alert describes.

Return Value

String that contains URL to the new alert page.


The GetAlertCreationLink method is a static public method and cannot be overritten in your derived class. The resulting URL is JScript URL that generates a post request to the new alert page. Use this method when the resulting alert page URL generated by this method is over 2K. Long URLs may not display correctly in some client browsers.


Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Security: Code Access Security