Using GET on the Search Page

You can execute queries against Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server Search service (SharePointPSSearch) by encoding your query in a URL and posting it to the search page. The following table shows URL parameters for the search page, and a short description of each.

URL parameter Description
sr Specifies the redirection URL to use for search results for user data when a user does not have a user profile. The page returns to the pivot query.
sn Specifies the site name.
k Specifies the keywords. You can only specify one value for this parameter.
s Specifies the search scope. This parameter can contains multiple values.
rs Specifies the real scope name of a topic, folder, or personal site.
w Specifies the WHERE clause and condition.
wd Specifies the WHERE clause and condition description.
pt Specifies advanced properties. This parameter can contains multiple values. The parameter value must be either a URI, Operation, desired value (integer), or AND/OR. The URI is prefixed by one character that indicates the property type: S for string; D for date; I for integer; and M for multivalued string.
d Specifies an advanced search by date. This parameter can contain multiple values. The parameter value must be a URI, desired value (integer), or Hour/Day/Month/Year/.
tp Specifies an advanced search by type. You can only specify one value for this parameter. Parameter value can be document, category, listing, site, person, event, tasks, announcement, picture, discussions, contacts, stsitems, or any.
db Focuses query on documents by specified parameter.
wo Overrides scopes specified in WHERE clause and searches all catalogs in FROM clause. Searches within current area.
pf Supports folder browsing search for Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2001.
ct Specifies the context-sensitive scope type. The current topic is indicated by 1. The current folder is indicated by 2. The current personal site is indicated by 3.
"%2c Separator for multiple scopes.


The following URL shows all documents by person.


The following URL shows a search across all users of a portal site.


The following URL shows a search across all areas of a portal site.


The following URL shows a search across all listings of a portal site.


The following URL shows a search across all pictures of a portal site.


The following URL shows a search across all SharePoint lists of a portal site.


The following URL shows a search across all picture libraries of a portal site.


The following URL shows a search across all document libraries of a portal site.


The following URL shows a search across all documents of a portal site.


The following URL shows a search across all documents with keyword keyword from the last week that are contained in the scope scope.
