Excel Services Application template file missing - Event 7925 (SharePoint Server 2010)


Applies to: SharePoint Server 2010

Alert Name:   Excel Services Application template file missing

Event ID:   7925

Summary:   The template file that is used to create new workbooks by Excel Services Application was not found. Users might be unable to create new workbooks on the server for Excel Services Application until this problem is corrected.

Symptoms:   One or more of the following symptoms might appear:

  • Users are unable to create new workbooks.

  • This event appears in the event log: Event ID: 7925 Description: The new workbook template for Excel Services Application could not be found. As a result, a user was unable to create a new workbook. You may need to repair your installation. [Session: <session ID> User:<username>]

Cause:   The new workbook template file cannot be found or read from disk. The file should be reinstalled. The easiest method for reinstalling the template is to repair the installation.

Resolution:   Repair the Excel Services Application installation

  • Run setup for Excel Services Application, choose the repair installation option, and follow the steps in the wizard.