NavigationTermSetView members

Represents contextual information that affects the calculation of certain properties for the NavigationTerm objects in a NavigationTermSet object.

The NavigationTermSetView type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method NavigationTermSetView Initializes a new instance of a NavigationTermSetView object by using the context of the provided SPWeb object and the SiteMapProviderName property.



  Name Description
Public property ExcludeDeprecatedTerms Gets or sets a value that indicates whether NavigationTerm objects are trimmed if the underlying term is deprecated..
Public property ExcludeTermsByPermissions Gets or sets a value that indicates whether NavigationTerm objects are trimmed if the current user does not have permission to view the target page for the friendly URL of the NavigationTerm object.
Public property ExcludeTermsByProvider Gets or sets a value that indicates whether NavigationTerm objects are trimmed if the provider indicated by the SiteMapProviderName property is one of the providers in the excluded providers collection.
Public property IsFrozen Gets a Boolean value that if true indicates that the object is read-only. (Inherited from FreezableObject.)
Public property ServerRelativeSiteUrl Gets a server-relative URL for the SPSite object that uses the navigation term set.
Public property ServerRelativeWebUrl Gets a server-relative URL for the SPWeb object that uses the navigation term set.
Public property SiteMapProviderName The name of a SiteMapProvider instance that identifies the navigation menu to be used when applying the ExcludeTermsByProvider property.
Public property WebId Gets the GUID identifier for the SPWeb object that uses the navigation term set. .
Public property WebTitle Gets the title of the SPWeb object that uses the navigation term set.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Freeze Calling the Freeze() method sets IsFrozen=true and prevents any further changes to the object. (Inherited from FreezableObject.)
Public method GetCopy Returns an editable copy of the current NavigationTermSetView object.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method RequireNotFrozen (Inherited from FreezableObject.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See also


NavigationTermSetView class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Navigation namespace