ServerSyncProvider.GetSchema Method

When overridden in a derived class, retrieves the schema for one or more tables from the server database.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Synchronization.Data
Assembly:  Microsoft.Synchronization.Data (in Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.dll)


Public MustOverride Function GetSchema ( _
    tableNames As Collection(Of String), _
    syncSession As SyncSession _
) As SyncSchema
Dim instance As ServerSyncProvider
Dim tableNames As Collection(Of String)
Dim syncSession As SyncSession
Dim returnValue As SyncSchema

returnValue = instance.GetSchema(tableNames, _
public abstract SyncSchema GetSchema(
    Collection<string> tableNames,
    SyncSession syncSession
virtual SyncSchema^ GetSchema(
    Collection<String^>^ tableNames, 
    SyncSession^ syncSession
) abstract
abstract GetSchema : 
        tableNames:Collection<string> * 
        syncSession:SyncSession -> SyncSchema 
public abstract function GetSchema(
    tableNames : Collection<String>, 
    syncSession : SyncSession
) : SyncSchema


Return Value

Type: Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SyncSchema
A SyncSchema object that contains the schema for each specified table.

See Also


ServerSyncProvider Class

Microsoft.Synchronization.Data Namespace