ChangeBatch Class

Represents metadata for a set of changes. This class cannot be inherited.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Microsoft.Synchronization
Assembly:  Microsoft.Synchronization (in Microsoft.Synchronization.dll)


<SerializableAttribute> _
Public NotInheritable Class ChangeBatch _
    Inherits ChangeBatchBase _
    Implements ISerializable
Dim instance As ChangeBatch
public sealed class ChangeBatch : ChangeBatchBase, 
public ref class ChangeBatch sealed : public ChangeBatchBase, 
type ChangeBatch =  
        inherit ChangeBatchBase
        interface ISerializable
public final class ChangeBatch extends ChangeBatchBase implements ISerializable

The ChangeBatch type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ChangeBatch(SyncIdFormatGroup, SyncKnowledge, ForgottenKnowledge) Initializes a new instance of the ChangeBatch class that contains the specified ID format schema, the knowledge from the destination replica, and the forgotten knowledge of the source provider.
Public method ChangeBatch(SyncIdFormatGroup, SyncKnowledge, ForgottenKnowledge, FilterInfo) Initializes a new instance of the ChangeBatch class that contains the specified ID format schema, knowledge from the destination replica, forgotten knowledge from the source replica, and the filter that is used to control which changes are included in the change batch.



  Name Description
Public property BatchWorkEstimate Gets or sets the total work estimate for the change batch. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public property CompatibilityLevel Gets or sets the version of Sync Framework components that can be used with this object. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public property DisposeAfterProcessing Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the change batch object is disposed after processing finishes. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public property FilterKeyMap Gets or set the filter key map that contains the filters tracked by the replica that originated this change batch. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public property IsEmpty Gets a value that indicates whether the change batch contains any changes. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public property IsLastBatch Gets a value that indicates whether this is the last batch in the synchronization session. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public property LearnedKnowledge Gets the knowledge that the destination replica learns when the destination provider applies all the changes in this change batch. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public property PrerequisiteKnowledge Gets the minimum knowledge that a destination provider is required to have to process this change batch. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public property RemainingSessionWorkEstimate Gets or sets the remaining work estimate for the synchronization session. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public property SourceForgottenKnowledge Gets the forgotten knowledge of the source replica. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)



  Name Description
Public method AddChange Adds a specified item change to the group that is currently open (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public method AddChanges Adds a specified set of item changes to the group that currently open (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public method AddLoggedConflict Adds metadata that represents a conflict to the change batch.
Public method BeginOrderedGroup Opens an ordered group in the change batch. This group is ordered by item ID. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public method BeginUnorderedGroup Opens an unordered group in the change batch. Item changes in this group can be in any order.
Public methodStatic member Deserialize(SyncIdFormatGroup, Byte[]) Static method that creates a change batch object and initializes it by using an ID format schema and data from a byte array.
Public methodStatic member Deserialize(SyncIdFormatGroup, ISyncFilterDeserializer, Byte[]) Static method that creates a change batch object and initializes it by using an ID format schema, a custom filter deserializer, and data from a byte array.
Public method Dispose() Releases all resources used by the ChangeBatchBase object. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Protected method Dispose(Boolean) Releases the unmanaged resources used by the ChangeBatchBase object and optionally releases the managed resources. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public method EndOrderedGroup Closes a previously opened ordered group in the change batch. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public method EndUnorderedGroup Closes a previously opened unordered group in the change batch.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetEnumerator Gets an object that enumerates the item changes in this change batch. This method cannot be inherited. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetLearnedKnowledgeWithPrerequisite Gets the knowledge that the destination replica learns when the destination provider applies all the changes in this change batch, based on the prerequisite knowledge of the change batch.
Public method GetObjectData Puts change batch data into a SerializationInfo object.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Serialize Serializes the change batch to an array of bytes. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public method SetFilterForgottenKnowledge Sets the filter forgotten knowledge for the specified filter. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public method SetLastBatch Sets a value that indicates that this is the last batch in the synchronization session. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Protected method ThrowIfDisposed Throws ObjectDisposedException if this object has been disposed. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IEnumerable.GetEnumerator Gets an object that enumerates the item changes in this change batch. (Inherited from ChangeBatchBase.)



Change batches are used by synchronization providers to communicate metadata for item changes from a source provider to a destination provider. The source provider enumerates changes and adds a specified number of them to a change batch. The change batch is then sent to the destination provider. The destination provider enumerates the changes in the change batch and applies them to its item store.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also


Microsoft.Synchronization Namespace