SqlSyncAdapterBuilder.CreationTrackingColumn Property

Gets or sets the column in the base table that is used to track when a row is inserted.

Namespace: Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Server
Assembly: Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Server (in microsoft.synchronization.data.server.dll)


Public Property CreationTrackingColumn As String
Dim instance As SqlSyncAdapterBuilder
Dim value As String

value = instance.CreationTrackingColumn

instance.CreationTrackingColumn = value
public string CreationTrackingColumn { get; set; }
property String^ CreationTrackingColumn {
    String^ get ();
    void set (String^ value);
/** @property */
public String get_CreationTrackingColumn ()

/** @property */
public void set_CreationTrackingColumn (String value)
public function get CreationTrackingColumn () : String

public function set CreationTrackingColumn (value : String)

Property Value

The name of the column in the base table.


For a code example, see SqlSyncAdapterBuilder.

See Also


SqlSyncAdapterBuilder Class
SqlSyncAdapterBuilder Members
Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Server Namespace