Collection View Reference

Collection views contain information about the collections, collection rules, and collection members. Many of the collection views are useful when creating reports on system data and advertisements.

Collection Views

There are two types of collection views. The first type list all members of a specific collection and start with the v_CM_RES_COLL_ view name and end with the collection ID, with the exception of v_FullCollectionMembership that lists all members of all collections. This collection type will be used most often when creating reports. The second type of collection view has a name that starts with v_ and contains general information about the collections but not the member resources within each collection. The collection views are listed and described in the following table.

Collection View



Lists all SMS clients that are members of the collection. The machine ID and name, SMS ID, site code, and domain, as well as other client information, are listed.

The view can be joined to other system data views by using the ResourceID or SMSID columns.


Lists all collections by collection ID, collection name, and what view the collection maps to (listed in the v_CM_RES_COLL_<CollectionID> row), as well as other collection information.

The view can be joined to other views by using the CollectionID column.


Lists the resources in collections that have direct member rules.

The view can be joined to other views by using the CollectionID or ResourceID columns.


Lists the query for each query-based collection.

The view can be joined to other views by using the CollectionID column.


Lists sub collections and the associated parent collection.

The view can be joined to other collection views by using the parentCollectionID or subCollectionID columns.


Lists the resources for all collections. Contains the collection ID, resource ID, resource name, domain, SMS ID, site code, and other client information.

The view can be joined to other views by using the CollectionID or ResourceID columns.