Status View Reference

Status messages are generated by Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) components and represent the flow of activity within an SMS site and hierarchy. The status messages provide information that you can use to assess the health of your SMS system. Several views contain information about status messages, for example, component name, message ID, module name, message type, severity, time, site code, and computer name.

Status Message Instances

Status message instances consist of properties that are stored in the database, which are represented primarily by the v_StatusMessage view, and message strings stored in dynamic-link library (DLL) files. When you view a message by using the SMS Administrator console, Status Message Viewer, or the Status Message Details page in Report Viewer, SMS creates the instance of status messages by combining the various parts.

Status Summarizers

Status summarizers produce summaries from status messages and other data in the SMS site database. Status summaries are produced in real time as the summarizers receive status messages from SMS components. You can use status summarizers to view a snapshot of the status and health of the site systems, components, packages, and advertisements in your site.

Data in a status summary is classified as either a count or a state. A count is a tally of events that occurs over a specific period of time, such as the number of error status messages reported by SMS Executive since the beginning of the week. A state is the last known condition of something, such as the number of free bytes that is available for the SMS site database.

Each of the status summaries contains some state data. Only the Component Status and Advertisement Status summaries contain count data. The status summarizer views contain data such as the number of information, warning, and error messages for a site within a specified interval or the state of all components in a site at a specified interval.

Status Message Views

The two types of status message views are status and status summarizer. The status views list individual status messages and can generally be joined to system data, advertisement, or package views to list information about a particular item. The status views are listed and described in the following table.

Status View



Lists all advertisement status message IDs, the message state (for example, succeeded, expired, failed, and so on), and the message name.

The view can be joined to other advertisement status views by using the MessageID column.


Lists all advertisements with the associated status for system resources that have been targeted.

The view can be joined to other views by using the AdvertisementID and ResourceID columns.


Lists all client update advertisements with the associated status for system resources that have been targeted.

The view can be joined to other views by using the AdvertisementID and ResourceID columns.


Lists the status for all site packages.

The view can be joined to other views by using the PackageID column.


Lists the attributes for all status messages (for example, PackageID, CollectionID, UserName, and so on)

The view can be joined to the v_StatusMessage and v_StatMsgInsStrings views by using the RecordID column.


Lists the status insertion strings for all status messages.

The view can be joined to the v_StatusMessage and v_StatMsgAttributes views by using the RecordID column.


Lists the status message module names with associated module DLL name. By default, SMS has the SMS Client, SMS Provider, and SMS Server module names.

It is unlikely that this view will be joined to other views.


Lists information about all status messages, including status message ID, time of status message, severity, site code, and so on.

The view can be joined to the v_StatMsgAttributes and v_StatMsgInsStrings views by using the RecordID column, and other views by using the MachineName column.

The other type of status message view contains status summary data, not individual status message data. Each of the status message summarizer views are listed and described in the following table.

Status Summary View Name



Lists summary status for advertisement information, including the advertisement ID and advertisement status summarizer data, as well as package, program, and collection information.

The view can be joined to other views by using the AdvertisementID, PackageID, and CollectionID columns.


Lists summary status for advertisement information, including the advertisement ID, site code, and advertisement status summary data.

The view can be joined to other views by using the AdvertisementID column.


Lists the total count summary for the updates installed on clients for all applicable updates, as well as the update ID, update title, Q number, product, link for update information, and link for update download.

The view can be joined to other views by using the ID, QNumbers, or Title columns.


Lists all of the information in the v_ApplicatbleUpdatesSummary view as well as product ID, revision number, and so forth.

The view can be joined to other update views by using the UpdateID column, as well as to other views by using the ID, QNumbers, or Title columns.


Lists summary status information for all SMS components.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode, MachineName, or ComponentName columns.


Lists software metering summary status information for file usage by site.

The view can be linked by using the FileID column.


Lists software metering summary interval information for file usage.

It is unlikely that this view will be joined to other views.


Lists software metering summary status information for file usage by resource.

The view can be joined to other views by using the ResourceID, FileID, and MeteredUserID columns.


Lists summary status information for all packages by site.

The view can be joined to other views by using the PackageID column.


Lists installation status information for all distribution points for every package.

The view can be joined to other views by using the PackageID column.


Lists summary status information for all packages by site and package source size.

The view can be joined to other views by using the PackageID column.


Lists a summary of all information, warning, and error status messages for each site.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode column.


Lists status summary information for all site systems, including free disk space.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode column.


Lists status summary interval information.

It is unlikely that this view will be joined to other views.


Lists status summary root status.

It is unlikely that this view will be joined to other views.


Lists status summary information for all sites.

This view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode column.