
The SMS_Collection WMI class contains the rules that logically relate resources into collections of resources. This class also contains information about the collection, such as the refesh schedule and the class name that contains the members, SMS_CM_RES_COLL_CollectionID. You can use a collection to target resources for software distribution.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and includes all inherited properties.

Class SMS_Collection : SMS_BaseClass
  string CollectionID;
  SMS_CollectionRule CollectionRules[];
  string Comment;
  uint32 CurrentStatus;
  datetime LastChangeTime;
  datetime LastRefreshTime;
  string MemberClassName;
  string Name;
  Boolean OwnedByThisSite;
  SMS_ScheduleToken RefreshSchedule[];
  uint32 RefreshType;
  boolean ReplicateToSubSites;


  • CollectionID
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Key

    Unique, auto-generated identifier containing eight characters. The format of the identifier is the site code that created the collection followed by a 5 digit hex serial number, such as JAX0002C. The default SMS collections, created during the SMS installation, use the SMS prefix, such as SMS00001.

  • CollectionRules
    Data type: SMS_CollectionRule[]
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Lazy

    Defines the membership criteria for this collection. You use the SMS_Collection methods to add, update, or delete membership rules. The rules are embedded objects of type SMS_CollectionRuleQuery and SMS_CollectionRuleDirect.

    This property is not returned when you enumerate this class. To obtain the collection rules for a collection, you must use IWbemServices::GetObject or SWbemServices.Get.

  • Comment
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read/write

    General comment or note that documents the collection.

  • CurrentStatus
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only

    Current status of the collection. Values are:
    NONE (0)
    READY (1)
    SAVING (3)
    DELETING (6)
    QUERYING (8)

  • LastChangeTime
    Data type: datetime
    Access type: Read/write

    Date and time the collection was last altered in any way.

  • LastRefreshTime
    Data type: datetime
    Access type: Read/write

    Date and time the collection membership was last refreshed.

  • MemberClassName
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only

    Class name whose instances are the members of this collection. The collection membership is not contained in SMS_Collection, but is instead contained in the class name specified by this property. The class name is generated dynamically and has the format SMS_CM_RES_COLL_CollectionID.

  • Name
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read/write

    Required. Name of the collection. This value represents the collection in the console and should be unique.

  • OwnedByThisSite
    Data type: boolean
    Access type: Read/write
    Qualifiers: Lazy

    Indicates whether the collection originated from the local SMS site. The Lazy qualifier has been removed from this property for version 2.0 SP2 and later.

  • RefreshSchedule
    Data type: SMS_ScheduleToken[]
    Access type: Read/write
    Qualifiers: Max(15)

    Defines an update or refresh schedule for the collection. The collection membership is only updated if you specify a schedule or call the RequestRefresh method. For the collection evaluator to use the schedule, the RefreshType property must be set to PERIODIC.

  • RefreshType
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read/write
    Qualifiers: Lazy

    Defines whether SMS periodically refreshes the collection based on the schedule specified in RefreshSchedule, or whether you manually update the collection using the RequestRefresh method. Values are:
    MANUAL (1)
    PERIODIC (2)

  • ReplicateToSubSites
    Data type: boolean
    Access type: Read/write
    Qualifiers: Lazy

    Indicates whether the collection is shared with any child SMS sites.


The following table lists the methods in SMS_Collection.

Method Description
AddMembershipRule Adds a new rule to the collection. This can also be used to modify a membership rule.
AddMembershipRules Adds one or more rules to the collection. This can also be used to modify membership rules.
DeleteAllMembers Deletes all members of the collection and their related resources and discovery data.
DeleteMembershipRule Deletes a rule from the collection.
DeleteMembershipRules Deletes one or more rules from the collection.
GetNextID Reserved.
GetNumResults Returns the number of immediate members.
GetTotalNumResults Returns the number of all members, including subcollections.
RequestRefresh Forces a refresh of the collection.
SetNextID Reserved.
VerifyNoLoops Verifies that no loops would be formed if one collection were the parent of another.


The following actions are initiated by the provider when you delete a collection.

  • The collection membership class, referenced in the MemberClassName property, is deleted.
  • The collection is removed from the collection hierarchy (SMS_CollectToSubCollect and SMS_CollectToSubCollect_a). This may orphan other collections in the hirearchy. For more information, see Managing a Collection Hierarchy.
  • Advertisements that reference the collection are deleted. if you want to retain the advertisement, you will need reference a new collection before deleting the current collection.

For information on using the SMS_Collection class and its methods, see Managing Collections.

See Also

Collection Classes, SMS_CM_RES_COLL_CollectionID, SMS_CollectionRuleDirect, SMS_CollectionRuleQuery, SMS_CollectToSubCollect, SMS_ScheduleToken