Enable EnableOpsmgrModuleLogging

Updated: August 5, 2009

Applies To: Operations Manager 2007 R2

These logs are used mainly to investigate discovery issues. The logs show details about agent push, installation, and certificate signing. If you need to troubleshoot a discovery wizard problem, these logs would be helpful.

Calls made outside of Windows Remote Management (WinRM) are made using SSH/SFTP. These components rely on a separate logging mechanism than Operations Manager.

To enable UNIX native module Logs

  • Create a blank file named EnableOpsmgrModuleLogging in the \Temp directory for the user account calling these modules by typing at a command-line prompt COPY /Y NUL %windir%\TEMP\EnableOpsMgrModuleLogging.


    Generally, it is the SYSTEM account making the calls, and C:\Windows\Temp is the default SYSTEM temp folder.

After creation of the blank file, Operations Manager will immediately begin logging SSH and Certificate activity to the \Temp directory.Scripts that call into SSH modules will log to <Scriptname.vbs>.log. Other modules have their own logs.

In some cases, it may be required to restart the HealthService to get the EnableOpsmgrModuleLogging logging to take effect.