Publishing Microsoft Office Communicator Web Access with IAG SP2

Applies To: Intelligent Application Gateway (IAG)

Microsoft Office Communicator Web Access (2007 release) provides browser-based client access to Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007. For more information, see Microsoft Office Communicator Web Access (2007 release) (\&clcid=0x409) at Microsoft TechNet.

This section describes how you publish Office Communicator Web Access on an Intelligent Application Gateway (IAG) portal using IAG 2007 with Service Pack 2.

Publishing Communicator Web Access

The following procedure describes how to add the Communicator Web Access application to the IAG trunk via the Getting Started Wizard.

To publish Communicator Web Access with IAG SP2

  1. Open the Getting Started Wizard, and then click Publish Applications.

  2. In the Add Application Wizard, on the Select Application page, select Web Applications, and in the list, click Office Communicator Web Access (2007 release), and then click Next.

    Follow the instructions in order to complete the wizard. For more information, click Help.

  3. On the toolbar of the Configuration console, click the Activate configuration icon, and then on the Activate Configuration dialog box, click Activate.

    When the configuration is activated, the message "IAG configuration activated successfully" appears.


By default, when end users access the application via the IAG portal, they are not presented with the Office Communicator Web Access sign-in window. If you wish this window to be presented to users, access the application's Application Properties dialog box, click the Portal Link tab, and in the Application URL box, remove the following suffix: /quicksignin.