Rating media

Star ratings provide a ranking system for items in your catalogs. You can rank your media from zero to five stars.

Ratings in the Organize panel


Ratings in a thumbnail


To assign a rating

  • Select one or more items, and then add a rating in one of four ways:

    • Select a star rating from the Rate Media drop-down menu on the toolbar, or right-click to open a shortcut menu.

    • Press ALT+1 through ALT+5. This applies the associated rating (for example, ALT+3 equals three stars).

    • Use the drag-and-drop operation to move items onto the Rating section of the Catalog Fields index of the Organize panel.

To remove a rating

  • Select one or more items, and then do one of the following:

    • Click None on the Rate Media drop-down menu on the toolbar, or right-click the file in any view.

    • Select an item and press ALT+0 (zero).

To show files associated with a rating

  • Select one or more items, and then do one of the following:

    • Click a rating in the Rating section of the Catalog Fields index of the Organize panel.

    • On the Find menu, click Show Rated, and then select the rating value of the items that you want to display.

    In Microsoft Expression Media, ratings are mapped to Adobe's XMP standard for ratings. When annotations for images in a catalog are synchronized (written) to the original files, all ratings will be written into the files. If you open an image in Adobe Bridge (a file management program), the star ratings will be displayed. If you have assigned a rating to a file in Bridge, the rating will be displayed when you import that file into an Expression Media catalog.