Modeling in Excel

You can use the Solver Foundation Excel add-in to model problems and optimize their solutions. The add-in provides a modeling task pane to create, verify, and solve models, and a ribbon to import/export files, deploy models to OML or C#, bind data, and generate results. 

Modeling Pane

Models can be entered in the Modeling Pane. You can use the Optimization Modeling Language (OML) to express goals and constraints as logical, arithmetic, iteration, and set operations.

The following table describes the UI elements in the Modeling Pane.

UI Element



Binds data from an Excel sheet to the model. Parameters can be declared as Sets that are later used as indices (in other Parameters or Decisions), or as singled-valued constants of type Reals, Integers, or Booleans.


Binds the results of the model being solved. Data can be bound to a specific Excel sheet. Supported types for Decisions can be Reals, Integers, or Booleans. Decisions are also referred to as variables.


Defines the business goals that you are trying to accomplish. These are used to specify a quantity or equation that should be maximized or minimized.


Adds restrictions to the decisions in the model.


Provides solver hints and other solver specific attributes.


Shows the model in OML format. Advanced users can manually edit OML directly from this pane.


Logs the output details of the solver. This is similar to the command line interface output. The log feature uses the information on the Report Verbosity group of the Solver Foundation ribbon.

Parameter Tab

You can use the Parameter tab to bind data from an Excel sheet to the model. Excel can import data from many different sources using the Get External Data button on the Data tab in the ribbon. After the sheet contains the model data, you can use the Input and Output tabs in the Modeling Pane to bind the data to and from the model.

The following table lists the three types of parameters.

Parameter Type



Represents real or integer values over a range. A parameter must be bound to data.

Scenario Parameter

Represents random values specified by scenarios, which have an associated value and probability of occurrence. A scenario parameter can be set without binding.

Distribution Parameter

Represents random values specified by a discrete or continuous random distribution. A distribution parameter can be set without binding.

Parameters can be single-valued or indexed by using sets. A set is an unordered list of items that defines the valid set of indexes for a Parameter or Decision. Both random and nonrandom parameters can be indexed.

For more information, see Walkthrough: Binding Data to Parameters.

Decisions Tab

You can use the Decisions tab to bind decisions generated from Solver Foundation directly into an Excel sheet, but decisions are not required to be bound to data. The following table lists the types of decisions.

Decision Type



An output value that represents values that the solver should determine.

Recourse Decision

An output value in a stochastic model that is made in response to the realization of a random parameter.

Decisions can also be indexed using sets.


You can add a goal to a model to configure how a model should be optimized. For example, a typical goal can be to minimize cost or maximize profit. For more information, see How to: Create a Goal.


You can add a constraint to a model to restrict a model for business or logical reasons. For example, a constraint could be to make sure that the sum of demand over all routes is equal to the total demand, or to cap server load at 90%. For more information, see How to: Create a Constraint.


You can add an optional directive to define the type of solver to use or customize the behavior of a solver. For example, you can adjust the arithmetic precision of the solver or set the time limit. You can also use the directive to generate reports. For more information, see How to: Add a Directive.

Validating and Solving the Model

After you bind data to parameters and decisions and configure goals, constraints, and directives, you can validate and solve the model. Then, you can view the output binding with a graph, chart, summary, or report. For more information, see How to: Solve a Model.

Solver Foundation Ribbon

Use the ribbon in the Solver Foundation Excel add-in to create a model and bind data. The following table lists the functionality of the ribbon.

Group Name

UI Element




Hides or shows the modeling pane window.


Supports importing .OML, .MPS, .QPS, and SMPS files.


Saves a model as MPS, QPS, or OML.


Deploys a model directly to SharePoint (via OMLX format) or Visual Studio (via C#).


Performs syntax checking on the model and displays the results in the Model Validation text box in the Modeling Pane.

Report Verbosity

Clear Log On Solve

Clears the options after each solve.


Displays detailed decision information when available.


Displays directive related information.


Includes solver-specific infeasibility information.


Includes solver-specific sensitivity information when available.

Solver Details

Include details such as solve time, algorithms used, and other information.



Sets options to solve stochastic models. Choose between Automatic (the default), Monte Carlo, and Latin Hypercube.


Sets the number of samples. Larger values lead to improved accuracy but require more time to solve.


Sets the seed used to initialize the random number generator. Using the same seed leads to more predictable solution behavior.



Runs the appropriate solver and generates results in the Solver Foundation Results worksheet.


Iterates through constraint programming problems that have multiple solutions, which are shown sequentially in the Solver Foundation Results sheet.


Interrupts the Check, Solve, or Summary functions.



Generates a report overview plus any solver execution details.



Opens the Solver Foundation For Excel programming primer.

See Also


Developing Models using Solver Foundation