AdministrationWebService.QueryBuildControllersByUri Method

Queries the list of build controllers using the provided URIs. If a null or empty list is provided, all of the build controllers to which the caller has the appropriate permissions will be returned. Agents can be conditionally returned based on the [includeAgents] flag.

Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server.Compatibility
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server.dll)


<WebMethodAttribute> _
Public Function QueryBuildControllersByUri ( _
    controllerUris As String(), _
    includeAgents As Boolean _
) As BuildControllerQueryResult2010
public BuildControllerQueryResult2010 QueryBuildControllersByUri(
    string[] controllerUris,
    bool includeAgents
BuildControllerQueryResult2010^ QueryBuildControllersByUri(
    array<String^>^ controllerUris, 
    bool includeAgents
member QueryBuildControllersByUri : 
        controllerUris:string[] * 
        includeAgents:bool -> BuildControllerQueryResult2010
public function QueryBuildControllersByUri(
    controllerUris : String[], 
    includeAgents : boolean
) : BuildControllerQueryResult2010


  • controllerUris
    Type: array<System.String[]

    The list of controllers that should be queried.

  • includeAgents
    Type: System.Boolean

    Controls whether the corresponding agents should be returned.

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server.Compatibility.BuildControllerQueryResult2010
A list of build controllers queried to which the caller has appropriate permissions.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


AdministrationWebService Class

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server.Compatibility Namespace