Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSIdentity Namespace

[Starting with the .NET Framework 4.5, Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) has been fully integrated into the .NET Framework. The version of WIF addressed by this topic, WIF 3.5, is deprecated and should only be used when developing against the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or the .NET Framework 4. For more information about WIF in the .NET Framework 4.5, also known as WIF 4.5, see the Windows Identity Foundation documentation in the .NET Framework 4.5 Development Guide.]


Class Description
CardImage The card image class which only support a list of image types.
DisplayClaim This class represents the displayable claim object. Usually, the display tag and the description are localized. And claimType identifies different claim types. The display value is the string representation of the claim.Resource.
DisplayClaimCollection Defines a collection of DisplayClaim
DisplayToken This class defines display token. Note the lang attribute is required.
EkuPolicy This class represents the set of Extended Key Usage OID elements that specify the usage of the certificate. This element is used as a filter that goes with the X.509 certificate reference in the Information card.
FailedRequiredClaimsFaultException This class represents the FailedRequiredClaims fault defined by WS-Identity.
InformationCardException This indicates an error has occurred while serializing/deserializing an Information Card.
InformationCardReference InformationCard/InformationCardReference element.
InformationCardRefreshRequiredFaultException This class represents the InformationCardRefreshRequired fault defined by WS-Identity.
InformationCardSerializer Provides support for InformationCard Serialization.
InternalErrorException Throw this exception whenever there is an internal error and the server cannot generate cards. Client MAY try again later.
InternalErrorFaultException This class represents the InternalError fault defined by WS-Identity.
InvalidInputException Throw this exception when the request has invalid parameters.
InvalidInputFaultException This class represents the InvalidInput fault defined by WS-Identity.
InvalidProofKeyFaultException This class represents the InvalidProofKey fault defined by WS-Identity.
IssuerInformation This class represents an IssuerInformation entry in an InformationCard. It encapsulates a key/value pair. Both the key and value must be non-null and non-empty strings.
KerberosCredential Kerberos credential object under the InformationCard\TokenServiceList\TokenService\UserCredential element
MissingAppliesToFaultException This class represents the MissingAppliesTo fault defined by WS-Identity.
PrivacyNotice Information card privacy notice location and version.
RequestInformationCards This class defines the <ic09:RequestInformationCards> element which is used to request information cards from a provisioning server.
RequestInformationCardsResponse This class defines the <ic09:RequestInformationCardsResponse> element which is used to return information cards from a provisioning server.
RequestInformationCardsResponseSerializer This class defines the serialization and deserialization logic for the <ic09:RequestInformationCardsResponse> element which is used to return information cards from a provisioning server.
RequestInformationCardsSerializer This class defines the serialization and deserialization logic for the <ic09:RequestInformationCards> element which is used to request information cards from a provisioning server.
SelfIssuedCredentials When a service is expecting a token backed by a personal card, it can specify SelfIssuedCredentials as its credential type. This contains PPID of the original information card. This is chosen to be one of the UserCredential type inside the TokenService element inside the information card.
TokenService Token Service which specify the endpoint and mex endpoint of an STS.
TokenServiceCollection This class defines a collection of TokenService, and its key is token issuer's hosting address.
UnauthorizedRequestException Throw this exception when the request to obtain cards is denied. Specifically, this could be an authorization fault based on the data in the OnBehalfOf element.
UnauthorizedRequestFaultException This class represents the UnauthorizedRequest fault defined by WS-Identity.
UnknownInformationCardReferenceException Throw this exception if there is an unknown information card reference specified in the request when requesting security tokens from an identity provider.
UnknownInformationCardReferenceFaultException This class represents the UnknownInformationCardReference fault defined by WS-Identity.
UnsupportedSignatureFormatException Throw this exception when the request for a specific signature format is not supported by the server.
UnsupportedSignatureFormatFaultException This class represents the UnsupportedSignatureFormat fault defined by WS-Identity.
UserCredentialCollection A collection of the UserCredential. Its key is the credential type, usually kerberos, x509, username or the self issued credential.
UserNamePasswordCredential Username password user credential under the InformationCard\TokenServiceList\TokenService\UserCredential element.
X509Principal This class represents an X509 certificate reference based on the principal name in the certificate.
X509SubjectAndIssuer This class represents an X509 certificate reference based on the subject name and issuer name in the certificate.


Interface Description
IUserCredential The interface of the user credential.


Enumeration Description
AppliesToOption The AppliesToOption that will be used in an information card to indicate whether the token issuer requires a AppliesTo element inside the token request. There are three options defined here: NotAllowed, Required and Optional. The default setting is Required for a newly issued card.
CardSignatureFormatType This value signifies whether and how returned Information Cards should be signed.
UserCredentialType Specifies the supported user credentials in an information card.

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