Matrix Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]

The Matrix type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Identity Gets an identity Matrix.
IsIdentity Gets a value that indicates whether this Matrix structure is an identity matrix.
M11 Gets or sets the value of the first row and first column of this Matrix structure.
M12 Gets or sets the value of the first row and second column of this Matrix structure.
M21 Gets or sets the value of the second row and first column of this Matrix structure.
M22 Gets or sets the value of the second row and second column of this Matrix structure.
OffsetX Gets or sets the value of the third row and first column of this Matrix structure.
OffsetY Gets or sets the value of the third row and second column of this Matrix structure.


See Also


Matrix Structure

System.Windows.Media Namespace