IFaxServer interface (faxcomex.h)

The IFaxServer interface describes a messaging collection that is used by a fax client application to manage a connection to the fax service. The object includes methods to create and terminate connections with a fax server, and to retrieve information about a connected fax server. The object also includes methods to store extension configuration properties.


The IFaxServer interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. IFaxServer also has these types of members:


The IFaxServer interface has these methods.


The IFaxServer::Connect method connects a fax client application to the specified fax server.

The IFaxServer::Disconnect method terminates a fax client application's connection to a fax server. The method fails if the client is not connected to an active fax server.

The IFaxServer::get_Activity property creates a IFaxActivity interface object. The interface permits a fax client application to access information about the activity on a connected fax server, and the fax server status.

The IFaxServer::get_APIVersion property is a value that indicates the version of the fax server API.

The IFaxServer::get_Debug property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the fax server was created in a debug environment.

The IFaxServer::get_Folders property accesses a IFaxFolders configuration interface. You can use the interface to access the folders, jobs, and messages on a connected fax server.

The IFaxServer::get_InboundRouting property creates a IFaxInboundRouting configuration interface. The interface permits access to an inbound fax routing extension and its methods.

The IFaxServer::get_LoggingOptions property creates a IFaxLoggingOptions configuration interface. The interface permits configuration of both the activity logging options and the event logging categories that the fax service uses.

The IFaxServer::get_MajorBuild property is a value that specifies the major part of the build number for the fax service.

The IFaxServer::get_MajorVersion property is a value that specifies the major part of the version number for the fax service.

The IFaxServer::get_MinorBuild property is a value that specifies the minor part of the build number for the fax service.

The IFaxServer::get_MinorVersion property is a value that specifies the minor part of the version number for the fax service.

The IFaxServer::get_OutboundRouting property creates a IFaxOutboundRouting configuration interface. The interface permits users to configure outbound routing groups and rules.

The IFaxServer::get_ReceiptOptions property creates a IFaxReceiptOptions configuration interface. The object permits a fax client application to set and retrieve the receipt configuration that the fax service uses to send fax receipts.

The IFaxServer::get_RegisteredEvents property is a value from an enumeration that indicates the types of fax service events a client application is listening for.

The IFaxServer::get_Security property creates a IFaxSecurity configuration interface. The interface permits the calling application to set and retrieve a security descriptor for the fax server.

The IFaxServer::get_ServerName property retrieves the name of the active fax server to which the fax client is connected.

The IFaxServer::GetDeviceProviders method creates a IFaxDeviceProviders interface, a collection of fax service providers (FSPs) that are currently registered with the fax service.

The IFaxServer::GetDevices method creates a IFaxDevices interface, a collection of all the fax devices exposed by all the fax service providers (FSPs) currently registered with the fax service.

The IFaxServer::GetExtensionProperty method retrieves an extension configuration property stored at the server level.

The IFaxServer::ListenToServerEvents method registers the FaxServer object to receive notifications about one or more types of server events, or to stop these notifications.

The IFaxServer::RegisterDeviceProvider method registers a fax service provider (FSP) with the fax service. Registration takes place after the fax service restarts.

The IFaxServer::RegisterInboundRoutingExtension method registers a fax inbound routing extension with the fax service. Registration takes place after the fax service restarts.

The IFaxServer::SetExtensionProperty method stores an extension configuration property at the server level.

The IFaxServer::UnregisterDeviceProvider method unregisters (removes the registration of) an existing device provider. Unregistration will take place only after the fax server is restarted.

The IFaxServer::UnregisterInboundRoutingExtension method unregisters an existing inbound routing extension. Unregistration will take place only after the fax server is restarted.


A default implementation of IFaxServer is provided as the FaxServer object.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header faxcomex.h