ISimilarityTableDumpState::GetNextData method (msrdc.h)

Retrieves one or more SimilarityDumpData structures from the similarity traits list that was returned by the ISimilarityTraitsTable::BeginDump method.


HRESULT GetNextData(
  [in]      DWORD              resultsSize,
  [out]     DWORD              *resultsUsed,
  [out]     BOOL               *eof,
  [in, out] SimilarityDumpData *results


[in] resultsSize

The number of SimilarityDumpData structures that can be stored in the buffer that the results parameter points to.

[out] resultsUsed

A pointer to a variable that receives the number of SimilarityDumpData structures that were returned in the buffer that the results parameter points to.

[out] eof

A pointer to a variable that receives TRUE if the end of the file is reached; otherwise, FALSE.

[in, out] results

A pointer to a buffer that receives the SimilarityDumpData structures.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header msrdc.h
DLL MsRdc.dll

See also
