IGPMGPO::Backup method (gpmgmt.h)

Backs up a Group Policy object (GPO) to the specified directory. A backup operation transfers the contents of a GPO from the Active Directory directory service to the file system. The backup includes the policy settings, the GPO ID, and any access control lists (ACLs) that are associated with the GPO. This method is also used for exporting GPOs to the file system.


  [in]            BSTR       bstrBackupDir,
  [in]            BSTR       bstrComment,
  [in, optional]  VARIANT    *pvarGPMProgress,
  [out, optional] VARIANT    *pvarGPMCancel,
  [out]           IGPMResult **ppIGPMResult


[in] bstrBackupDir

Name of the file system directory in which the GPMBackup object should be stored. The directory must already exist.

[in] bstrComment

Comment to associate with the GPMBackup object.

[in, optional] pvarGPMProgress

Specifies a pointer to an IGPMAsyncProgress interface that allows the client to receive status notifications about the progress of the backup operation. The method runs synchronously if this parameter is NULL. The method runs asynchronously if this parameter is not NULL. This parameter must be NULL if the client should not receive asynchronous notifications.

[out, optional] pvarGPMCancel

Receives a pointer to an IGPMAsyncCancel interface that the client can use to cancel the backup operation. This parameter is not returned if pvarGPMProgress is NULL.

[out] ppIGPMResult

Address of a pointer to the IGPMResult interface that represents the result of the backup operation. That interface contains pointers to an IGPMBackup interface and to an IGPMStatusMsgCollection interface.

Return value


Returns S_OK if successful. Returns a failure code if an error occurs.


Returns a reference to a GPMResult object.


Returns a reference to a GPMResult object.


A GPO that has been backed-up (also called exported) can be restored to the Active Directory by calling the IGPMDomain::RestoreGPO method or imported into another existing GPO using the IGPMGPO::Import method, depending on the required result.

You must check the code that is returned by the IGPMResult::OverallStatus method as well as the one that is returned by this method to determine whether the operation succeeded. OverallStatus returns an overall status code for the operation. If no error occurred during the operation, it returns a success code. Otherwise, it returns a failure code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header gpmgmt.h
DLL Gpmgmt.dll

See also




