MsiApplicabilityRules Schema


Applies To: Windows Server Update Services


The MsiApplicabilityRules Schema defines the following types in the target namespace. It references types from the BaseTypes Schema , the CSAPI Update Schema and the PatchApplicability Schema.


Checks that the specified product is installed. Only the ProductCode is required, but the other attributes will be checked if they are supplied.

<element name="MsiProductInstalled" substitutionGroup="upd:ApplicabilityRuleElement">  
      <documentation>Checks that the specified product is installed. Only the ProductCode is required, but the other attributes will be checked if they are supplied.</documentation>  
      <attribute name="ProductCode" type="mspblob:GUID" use="required">  
          <documentation>Windows Installer product code for the product to be checked.</documentation>  
      <attribute name="VersionMax" type="mspblob:Version" use="optional">  
          <documentation>If present, this specified the maximum version of the product. If not present, there is no maximum version filter.</documentation>  
      <attribute name="ExcludeVersionMax" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">  
          <documentation>This is only valid if VersionMax is specified. If set to true, the value in VersionMax is not considered a valid version for this check. If set to false, VersionMax is valid.</documentation>  
      <attribute name="VersionMin" type="mspblob:Version" use="optional">  
          <documentation>If present, this specified the minimum version of the product. If not present, there is no minimum version filter.</documentation>  
      <attribute name="ExcludeVersionMin" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">  
          <documentation>This is only valid if VersionMin is specified. If set to true, the value in VersionMin is not considered a valid version for this check. If set to false, VersionMin is valid.</documentation>  
      <attribute name="Language" type="int" use="optional">  
          <documentation>If present, specifies the language to be filtered on. If not present, all languages are considered valid.</documentation>  


Checks that the specified feature(s) are installed for one (optionally all) of the specified products.

<element name="MsiFeatureInstalledForProduct" substitutionGroup="upd:ApplicabilityRuleElement">  
        <element name="Feature" type="bt:MsiFeatureName" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />  
        <element name="Product" type="mspblob:GUID" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />  
      <attribute name="AllFeaturesRequired" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false" />  
      <attribute name="AllProductsRequired" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false" />  


Checks that the specified component(s) are installed for one (optionally all) of the specified products.

<element name="MsiComponentInstalledForProduct" substitutionGroup="upd:ApplicabilityRuleElement">  
      <element name="Component" type="bt:MsiComponentCode" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />  
      <element name="Product" type="mspblob:GUID" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />  
    <attribute name="AllComponentsRequired" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false" />  
    <attribute name="AllProductsRequired" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false" />  


Checks that the specified patch is installed for the specified product.

<element name="MsiPatchInstalledForProduct" substitutionGroup="upd:ApplicabilityRuleElement">  
    <attribute name="PatchCode" type="mspblob:GUID" use="required">  
        <documentation>Windows Installer patch code for the patch whose install status is to be checked.</documentation>  
    <attribute name="ProductCode" type="mspblob:GUID" use="required">  
        <documentation>Windows Installer product code for the product to be checked.</documentation>  
    <attribute name="VersionMax" type="mspblob:Version" use="optional">  
        <documentation>If present, this specified the maximum version of the product. If not present, there is no maximum version filter.</documentation>  
    <attribute name="ExcludeVersionMax" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">  
        <documentation>This is only valid if VersionMax is specified. If set to true, the value in VersionMax is not considered a valid version for this check. If set to false, VersionMax is valid.</documentation>  
    <attribute name="VersionMin" type="mspblob:Version" use="optional">  
        <documentation>If present, this specified the minimum version of the product. If not present, there is no minimum version filter.</documentation>  
    <attribute name="ExcludeVersionMin" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">  
        <documentation>This is only valid if VersionMin is specified. If set to true, the value in VersionMin is not considered a valid version for this check. If set to false, VersionMin is valid.</documentation>  
    <attribute name="Language" type="int" use="optional">  
        <documentation>If present, specifies the language to be filtered on. If not present, all languages are considered valid.</documentation>  


Checks that the specified patch is installed. This rule uses the MSP metadata to perform the check.

<element name="MsiPatchInstalled" substitutionGroup="upd:ApplicabilityRuleElement">  


Checks that the specified patch is superseded. This rule uses the MSP metadata to perform the check.

<element name="MsiPatchSuperseded" substitutionGroup="upd:ApplicabilityRuleElement">  


Checks that the specified patch is installable. This rule uses the MSP metadata to perform the check.

<element name="MsiPatchInstallable" substitutionGroup="upd:ApplicabilityRuleElement">  


Checks that the specified application is installed. This rule uses the Windows Installer metadata to perform the check.

<element name="MsiApplicationInstalled" substitutionGroup="upd:ApplicabilityRuleElement">  


Checks that the specified application is superseded. This rule uses the Windows Installer metadata to perform the check.

<element name="MsiApplicationSuperseded" substitutionGroup="upd:ApplicabilityRuleElement">  


Checks that the specified application is installable. This rule uses the Windows Installer metadata to perform the check.

<element name="MsiApplicationInstallable" substitutionGroup="upd:ApplicabilityRuleElement">  


The metadata for an MSP (Windows Installer Patch). This metadata is used by the MsiPatchInstalled, MsiPatchSuperseded, and MsiPatchInstallable applicability rules.

<complexType name="MsiPatchMetadataStuff">  
    <element ref="mspblob:MsiPatch" />  
    <element name="FallbackPatchCode" type="mspblob:GUID" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />  


<element name="MsiPatchMetadata" substitutionGroup="upd:ApplicabilityMetadataElement" type="msiar:MsiPatchMetadataStuff"/>  


The metadata for a Windows Installer Application. This metadata is used by the MsiApplicationInstalled, MsiApplicationSuperseded, and MsiApplicationInstallable applicability rules.

<complexType name="MsiApplicationMetadataStuff">  
      <element name="ProductCode" type="mspblob:GUID" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>  


<element name="MsiApplicationMetadata" substitutionGroup="upd:ApplicabilityMetadataElement" type="msiar:MsiApplicationMetadataStuff"/>