Implementing the Event Handlers for Command Events in C#

When you subscribe to command events, you must implement the handler associated with the event. For example, if you subscribe to the OnCommandJobState event, implement the JobStateHandler delegate. For an example that shows how to subscribe to the events, see Executing Commands.

The following C# example shows how to implement the handlers.

// Implements the delegates for the RemoteCommand events.

// Delegate for the OnCommandJobState event.
static void JobStateCallback(Object sender, JobStateEventArg args)
    IScheduler scheduler = (IScheduler)sender;
    ISchedulerJob job = null;

    Console.WriteLine("JobStateCallback: state is " + args.NewState);

    if (JobState.Submitted == args.NewState)
        job = scheduler.OpenJob(args.JobId);

        Console.WriteLine("The command will run on the following nodes:");
        foreach (String nodeName in job.AllocatedNodes)

    if (JobState.Canceled == args.NewState ||
        JobState.Failed == args.NewState ||
        JobState.Finished == args.NewState)
        manualEvent.Set();  // Releases the manual event that is blocking Main


// Delegate for the OnCommandTaskState event. 
static void TaskStateCallback(Object sender, CommandTaskStateEventArg args)
    if (false == args.IsProxy)
        Console.WriteLine("TaskStateCallback: Node: {0}, State: {1}", args.NodeName, args.NewState);

            if (TaskState.Failed == args.NewState)
                Console.WriteLine("code: {0}\nmessage: {1}", args.ExitCode, args.ErrorMessage);
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("TaskStateCallback: " + e.Message);


// Delegate for the OnCommandOutput event. Gets called for each line of output.
static void OutputCallback(Object sender, CommandOutputEventArg args)
    if (CommandOutputType.Eof == args.Type) // No more output to process
    else if (CommandOutputType.Output == args.Type)
        Console.WriteLine("Formatted output for node {0}\n\n{1}", args.NodeName, args.Message);
    else // if (CommandOutputType.Error)
        Console.WriteLine("Error message for node {1}\n\n{2}", args.NodeName, args.Message);

// Delegate for the OnCommandRawOutput event. Gets called for each block of output.
static void RawOutputCallback(Object sender, CommandRawOutputEventArg args)
    Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default;

    if (CommandOutputType.Eof == args.Type) // No more output to process
    else if (CommandOutputType.Output == args.Type)
        Console.WriteLine("Raw output for node {0}\n\n{1}", args.NodeName, encoding.GetString(args.Output));
    else // if (CommandOutputType.Error)
        Console.WriteLine("Error message for node {1}\n\n{2}", args.NodeName, encoding.GetString(args.Output));